
Tag Archives: Wim Wenders

Summer 1978 in Napa Valley, California. Photograph: Wim Wenders
“Wim Wenders born in 14 August 1945 in Dusseldorf is a German film director, playwright, author, photographer and producer.

Wenders brings to this collection of photographic essays the same literary and cinematic talents, the same command of the art of storytelling that we find in his films. In the tradition of “Paris, Texas” and “Faraway, So Close”, the texts and pictures in “Once” weave ambiguous and moving narratives in fits of rhythmic prose and inventive imagery. Prefaced by Wenders’ poetic meditations on the metaphysics of photography and film, Once consists of short, autobiographical sketches relating Wenders’ experiences both meaningful and apparently trivial on his trips across the world scouting locations for his films, as well as photographs taken during these excursions. The resulting exhibition is at once travel diary, photo album, and a series of short films or short stories revealing the views and sentiments of an auteur inspired by the poetry of the eye and the melody of speech”

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